Through a Vanished Time

(Wiesbaden, 2018)

For the flâneur, a transformation takes place with respect to the street: it leads him through a vanished time.

The ambiguity of the arcades is an ambiguity of space.

Walter Benjamin
The Arcades Project

Open Shutter, which used to be a part of The Flâneur’s Arcade (now a defunct and archived blog site) has moved to platforms more amenable to photoblogging:

The Tumblr site (also named Open Shutter) follows the style of this WordPress site, serving as a general street and travel photoblog; the Instagram site hosts more curated photos.

While this change somewhat coincided with my own move to Germany in 2017, it was not the primary reason for doing so. When Google Photos, which hosted the material in the WordPress site, decided to make it impossible for me to get the original links to my photos, it was time to move on. I will not bore you with details as to why.

In any case, this “Arcades Project” goes on with the new photoblogging sites, as well as with my other WordPress sites:

Hope you guys follow me in this convoluted flânarie.

Kiko Matsing
(Wiesbaden, 2019)